
23.00M 1/85 SP F22 ISO 400 M



1/200 SP F14 ISO 400 M 18.00M


30 Amazing iPhone Photos That Show Texture

This picture represents texture because the focusing on the front and that the light reflects off of the steppingstone. Another way this represents is the lighting, the lighting is beyond perfect and shows off the right amount of exposure and really makes the picture and the stones standout.

What I learned about camera exposure

Camera exposure determines how bright and how dark an image will be after you take your picture, this is determined by 3 camera settings: ISO, aperture and shutter speed. A camera’s shutter speed is determining when the sensors of the camera will open or close to the light coming from the camera lens. The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is going into the camera for. A camera’s aperture setting controls the area over which light can pass into the camera lens.  It is specified in terms of a f-stop value, which sometimes can be counterintuitive, due to the area of the opening increases as the f-stop decreases.